Lake Eastbrook Blvd. Reconstruction and Water Main Replacement

Spalding DeDecker (SD) provided construction and bid documentation for the MDOT LAP 4R Lake Eastbrook boulevard project, which consisted of reconstructing the three-lane roadway with modifications for pedestrian and motorist connectivity.  SD provided a traffic study for two potential roundabouts at Sparks Avenue and Camelot Drive and ended up designing both roundabouts. In addition to roadway improvements, SD provided two-way cycle track improvements outside of the roadway as well as designing improvements to the storm, sanitary and water main within the project limits.

Providing non-motorized facilities within the existing right-of-way integrated with the roadway and proposed roundabout.

SD reviewed several options and layouts and modeled the proposed roadway for best fit scenarios. We also utilized the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) urban bikeway design guide as well as the AASHTO bike design guide for inspiration and ideas to mitigate pedestrian and motorist interaction concerns. We utilized advanced signing and striping techniques and advanced geometry considerations to reduce motorist speeds while providing maximum pedestrian and bicyclist visibility.