Delhi Master Plans
Spalding DeDecker (SD) partnered with Landscape Architects and Planners (now apart of SD) and community liaison and advisor Mark Jenks to update Delhi Charter Township’s Master Plan. Delhi’s Master Plan was previously updated in 2013. In the 2023 Master Plan, the SD team incorporated the
most recent decennial census data, up-to-date local data, and the recently completed studies that impacted the relevancy of the previous Master Plan. The team wrote a new plan that is responsive to local and regional market conditions, considers redevelopment opportunities, and includes recent best practices to achieve the community’s mission and goals.
The Challenge
This project was challenged by low expectations for community engagement and a desire that the resulting Master Plan incorporates goals and actions steps from previous community plans, and
communicates a commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).
The Solution
To encourage community engagement, the team attended existing community events and dropped into existing community organization meetings to share information about the planning process, the plan, and ways that they can participate. They also created a one-page project handout sheet with project information on the front with a link to an online community survey, and a short survey on the back that was posted on Delhi’s website, distributed via community newsletters, and printed and placed in community facilities. They also posted yard signs throughout the township. To incorporate goals and action steps
from previous community plans, the team reviewed the plans and met with community stakeholders to determine the progress made to date and relevancy of the initiative. They also reviewed all material from a DEI perspective.
The Impact
By the time a draft report was completed, over 15,000 community members were reached through the planning process via email, personal contact, and paper handout. It is expected that even more saw the
yard signs and considered getting involved.
The 2023 Master Plan satisfies the expectations of the Delhi Planning Commission, Manager and staff, and Board and is anticipated to be adopted in May 2023. It considers minor changes to land use designations and has an implementable and practical action plan.