Novi Streambank Restoration
The streambanks along Ingersol Creek and Bishop Creek were experiencing areas of significant erosion that was causing damage to property owners’ personal property including fences and landscaping adjacent to the stream.
The challenge was gaining access to the overgrown sites through the existing developed residential areas without causing excessive damage and complaints. All work must meet Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)/US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) joint permit process requirements.
SD coordinated site visits with the City of Novi, local residents, USACE, and the MDEQ to understand the requirements and concerns. With this information, SD pursued natural options to stabilize and enhance the failing streambanks. Two existing failing walls, one constructed of poured concrete and one constructed of sheet piling, were removed and replaced with live crib walls.
Other areas of the streambank were improved with vegetative mechanically stabilized earth, vegetative rip-rap, live stakings, and joint plantings. Log vanes were installed to redirect stream flow to limit further erosion.
SD prepared easement documents and acquired 13 permanent easements and 5 temporary easements to allow construction of the improvements and future maintenance.